Sunday 28 August 2011


One of the reasons - I'm convinced - dad and I are still married is that we normally do not share a bathroom.  This vacation has solidified that opinion....only a few days left.

Today, we're going out for our morning walk -- which we've not had this week.  And later, we're going to try and get to Chatham -- again -- for strolling which we've tried to do all several times.
We're going to try and get out of dinner tonight with R & R and a couple friend of theirs.  Dad and I believe that mixing friends is baaaaaad.  The odd-couple-out always feels left out and if they include you, you have to do a lot of explaining.  I hate explaining.  I beyond that.  I want my friends to know my history and know that I had my thyroid out and that I'm umbilically connected to my parents.  I know, I know -- it sounds like a lot of grousing on our parts but we need space!

Tonight I drove.  Do you know how many alter kakers it takes to drive a Volvo when you're on vacation?  Four.  One to do the actual driving and three to navigate.  
"Go here.  No, go there.  You swerved.  Don't answer your phone. What are you doing???!!!!? Just wait until I'm in the car before you start to drive away!"  

We took four lawn chairs from the back shed and off we went to the historical town of Chatham.  (Hyannis is so yesterday.)
There was a concert in the park.  It was a jug-band.  One of the instruments was actually a jug.  Then there were two washboards -- a bass and an alto - a mandolin, an electric guitar, a one-stringed bass, drums and Dr. Edmund Robinson on the concertina. The hit parade of 1872 figured prominently with a whole lotta 'hee haws'.  
The kids were so cute -- running around barefoot, jumping to the music and eventually getting into a whole lotta trouble.
Picture this:  Going back to the car, each one of us carrying a lawn chair, crossing the intersection single file ... it was the senior citizen version of the Abbey Road record cover. 

Couldn't get into one restaurant, we decided to come back to our town of Dennis Port and did chazerai.  Kreamy Kone featured a menu of FRIED ----- .... you name it, they fried it with a couple of token grilled pieces.
Ate outside on the water, and talked and talked until I started to get bitten.
I'm the only one who can drive at night -- it's hard with the narrow, winding, country roads with cottagers walking all over the place.

We made it back. Dad got out his flashlight and guided everybody to their respective cabins.  Just like camp!!!
Your two A.K.s are sitting on their barca loungers, reading and writing and sipping cups of tea.
Layla tov.
Sweet dreams, kinderles.
B & Dad.

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